Invest in a grid-tied solar power system in Lovell, Bridgton & Fryeburg, ME

Going completely off the grid can feel like a lot of pressure. If you'd like to have more control over your energy but still have a backup plan, consider getting a grid-tied solar power system. Based in Lovell, ME, Mo's Electric and Solar can design and install a custom solar system that's connected to the city's power grid.

You can even include a battery to gain even more independence. Once your battery is charged, it'll automatically send power back to the power grid to lower your electric use. If the city's grid ever experiences a power outage, your battery will power your home. Schedule an appointment with our solar contractor today to install a grid-tied system.

Claim solar costs on your upcoming taxes

Did you know you can get a federal tax credit when you get a grid-tied solar power system? 

If you file federal income taxes, you can claim the entire cost of the project.

Have any questions about grid-tied systems or federal tax credits? Talk to our Lovell, Bridgton & Fryeburg, ME solar contractor right away.